Palo Duro & Caprock Canyons, Texas

One of the passions that many people have is travelling. By creating this blog, I wanted to share my travels with you and also to get recommendations and advice for future travels in the USA.
I'll start with our trip to Palo Duro Canyon, Texas, on April 2015. Surprisingly many people don't know much about this canyon, even if it is the second largest canyon in the USA. Here is some info.
We camped out in our tent and enjoyed it very much. We had sleeping matts and sleeping bags. The canyon is absolutely beautiful. We got up at midnight and watched the starts. They were spectacular. You don't get to see such a majestic display unless you are far away from the city lights.
There are lots of hiking trails but I suggest taking the one that will lead you to the Lighthouse Rock. We climbed up and the view is absolutely beautiful. Be very careful hiking up to the Rock because it is very steep. Especially coming down.
On our way back we took the scenic drive through the Caprock Canyon. The sites are spectacular! We saw lots of bison, prairie dogs and mule deer.
I recommend these 2 parks to all the outdoor adventure seekers. We drove from Houston early morning and stopped for the night in Amarillo. It takes about 45 minutes to drive from Amarillo to the canyon. We drove early so we can spend as much time as possible in the Canyon.
Here are some pictures from our trip.

Palo Duro Canyon, Texas

Palo Duro Canyon
Palo Duro Canyon - Panoramic View

Our camp site


One of the trails - Palo Duro

Palo Duro - Scenic View

Palo Duro

My husband

Hiking in Palo Duro

Palo Duro

Palo Duro

Hiking trail in Palo Duro

Hiking toward our camp site - Palo Duro

Hiking toward our camp site - Palo Duro

View from the Visitor Center - Palo Duro

Visitor Center - Palo Duro

Visitor Center - Palo Duro
First morning in Palo Duro - Brrrr!!!

Sunset in Palo Duro
Hiking in Palo Duro
Hiking in Palo Duro
Palo Duro
Cactus - Palo Duro
Hiking in Palo Duro
Taking a little break - Palo Duro
Lighthouse Rock - Palo Duro
Lighthouse Rock - Palo Duro
Lighthouse Rock - Palo Duro
We made it to the Lighthouse Rock - Palo Duro
Trail on the way down from the Lighthouse Rock - Palo Duro

Caprock Canyon, Texas



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